WordPress Plugins
Congratulations on installing one of the world’s most versatile content management systems (CMS), WordPress.
With WordPress you will be able to VERY EASILY add functionality and change designs.
If you are not sure how to install a Wordpress Plugin take a look at our Plugin Tutorial.
This section of our site is dedicated to the resources that enhance your functionality in WordPress. The term used for these feature upgrades is “plugins”.
There are over 6,000 plugins available today for WordPress with more being added each day. Best of all is most of them are FREE! Available plugins include everything from shopping carts, analytic tools, RSS feeds and image handling to Twitter and advertising space.
WordPress Plugins allow easy modification, customization, and enhancement to a WordPress website. Instead of changing the core programming of WordPress, you can add functionality with WordPress Plugins.”
Our objective is to create the largest most valuable directory of WordPress Plugins on the Internet.
So keep coming back as new plug ins are added every week and let us know the ones that work best for you.
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Broken Link Checker
This plugin will monitor your blog looking for broken links and let you know if any are found.
Social networking in a box. Build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of WordPress.
BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts
Users can rate forum posts in BuddyPress. Good posts are highlighted and poor posts diminished. Highlighted karma points shown for each user.
Category Specific RSS feed Subscription
This WP Plugin allows you to present a menu with multiple options to your site’s visitors in addition to your normal RSS subscription option. If your site covers multiple topics then your subscribed readers may get annoyed when you update your site with content that they are not interested in and they get a notification in their RSS reader.
Chap Secure Login
Whenever you try to login into your website, you can use this plugin to trasmit your password encrypted. The encryption process is done by the Chap protocol; this is particularly useful when you can’t use ssl or other kinds of secure protocols.
Checkfront Booking Plugin
Checkfront™ is an online Availability, Reservation and Booking Platform. This plugin connects your WordPress site to your Checkfront account, and provides a powerful real time booking interface within your site.
Clean Options
There’s nothing like a bit of spring cleaning to speed up your website. Clean Options ensures that any deleted plug ins are removed completely from your database, freeing up valuable space and ensuring your site can run faster.
Clickbank In-Text Affiliate Links Plugin
UContext WordPress Plugin is a free service that locates keywords in your content and turns them into affiliate links that take your visitors to contextually related Clickbank offers with your affiliate ID. Instead of a couple cents per click why not make $15, $20, or more per sale with one of the most popular affiliate systems in the world.
ClickTale Customer Experience Analytics Integration
Integrate ClickTale Customer Experience Analytics into your blog. Get free ClickTale account. Watch actual browsing behavior. Optimize website usabillity. Boost conversion rates.