SEO Tip #27: Is excessive whitespace in the HTML source bad?

Matt Cutts: We really don’t care that much. We’re pretty good that anytime we see white space, we’ll separate stuff and we can ignore white space. It really doesn’t cause us a lot of harm either way. The only thing to really pay attention to is where I have seen some really sneaky people who will try to do hidden text or whatever and they’ll start off their HTML with like
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SEO Tip #26: Has Google changed the relevancy it awards to social media?

Matt Cutts: We tend not to think about just links from social media sites just like we tend not to think too much about brands or things like that. We tend to think about links and whether they are useful or whether they are not useful and so we use the ad as our litmus test. We try to give more credit or more trust to links that we think
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SEO Tip #25: Will Google provide a rank-checking service?

Matt Cutts: Well I wouldn’t call it going to war with these other programs. Our guidelines have said the same thing for years, which is essentially please don’t hit us with automated queries. The reason that we’ve said that is that because people do hit us with automated queries and that takes up some server capacity. So when someone is scraping Google, if we know that person, we might write to
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SEO Tip #24: Does the position of keywords in the URL affect ranking?

Matt Cutts: Truthfully I wouldn’t really obsess about it at that level of detail. It does help a little bit to have keywords in the URL. It doesn’t help so much that you should go stuffing a ton of keywords into your URL. You know if there’s a convenient way that’s good for users where you have four or five keywords that might be worthwhile, but I wouldn’t obsess about it
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SEO Tip #23: Which is more important: content or links?

Matt Cutts: Google always has to trade off the balance between authority and topicality, for lack of a better word. If somebody types in “Viagra”, which is one of the most spammed terms in the world, you want something that is about Viagra. You do not just want something that has a lot of authority, like Newsweek or Times, that is talking right in the article and they have one mention
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SEO Tip #22: Can I publish 100+ pages at once?

Matt Cutts: I think in most cases, especially if it’s high quality content, I would just unleash the hundred pages. Now if you were talking about 10 thousand or a hundred thousand or a million pages you might be a little more cautious. It’s not that that would cause any sort of automatic penalty, but if we see a site that was nothing the other day and suddenly there’s four million
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SEO Tip #21: How much does a domain’s age affect its ranking?

Matt Cutts: My short answer is not too worry about that very much. Not very much at all, in fact. Danny Sullivan had asked about this recently because there were some registrars that were sending around emails that saying, that said ah, “did you know, that Google gives you a bonus in rankings if you register your site for three or more years”. And just to clarify that’s not based on anything
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SEO Tip #20: How can I optimize for “deep web” crawling?

Matt Cutts: We recently published a paper in VLDB, which I believe stands for Very Large Data Bases, that talks about our criteria all the way. We try to do it safely so that people don’t want their forms to be crawled, we won’t crawl them. And so there are some very simple things you can do. Rather than having text that has to be filled out like a zip code,
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SEO Tip #19: Should I use nofollow in links to my disclaimer and privacy policy?

Matt Cutts: The reason I would use NOFOLLOW is if you truly don’t want a page indexed at all. Take a log-in page for example, Googlebot doesn’t know how to log in and that’s not of any value for users to have. I can imagine that a disclaimer or a privacy statement could be kind of useful. So you can put those links on. It’s not like it’s going to cause you
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