15 Unique Comments Plug Ins for WordPress

If you’ve built your Wordpress blog using a free website builder, you’ll end up with a comments box that’s pretty uninspiring.  Yet if you want to increase traffic, create blog loyalty and the potential for high numbers of subscribers, interacting with your visitors using your comments boxes is essential.  What you need are some unique comments plug ins to give your site an interactive edge to encourage your visitors to
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10 Ways to Speed up your Free WordPress Website

So you've created your free WordPress website and you have perfected the design and functionality, but it is slow to load up and you are losing potential viewers who won't wait around and feel their time is being wasted. If your pages are taking too long to load, people are not going to wait. They expect lightning speed in their browsing activities and they are quick to move on if they
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WordPress and Photographers: How Can I sell My Photos Online?

The advent of top quality digital point and shoot cameras has made the professional photography business even tougher.  People simply don’t need to hire a professional anymore because they can produce and edit high quality images themselves.  So anyone trying to make a living from photography needs to find other avenues of making extra income, especially during tough economic times.  Selling stock photos online through a dedicated Wordpress blog can
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6 Vital Plug Ins to Tune up Your WordPress Blog

If you want your readers to enjoy your blog and easily navigate through your pages, you need to keep on top of maintenance and ensure everything is running smoothly.  Website competition is fierce and readers will make up their minds about your site in a matter of seconds.  A broken link, a comments page full of spam or an empty front page could turn your hard earned and valuable traffic
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WordPress: Engage Your Readers and Increase Sales with Embedded Video

If you’re looking to improve conversion on your WordPress blog, look no further than embedded video.  Adding video is very simple, and can often have incredible results.  For instance, in November of 2008, the brains behind Monty Python made their clips available for sharing and streaming online.  These videos linked back to their Amazon DVD sales page, and sales of their DVDs went up by 23,000 percent. It’s pretty clear that
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WordPress: Tweet Your Way to Massive Profits

One of the best ways to increase your sales and push traffic to your site is social media.  If you’re unfamiliar with the term, social media simply applies to all of those networking, reblogging, and linking sites that people use to share content and stay connected.  Consider this:  In October of 2009, Twitter alone had over 19 million visitors.  Facebook has added 52 million users in just the last 12
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WordPress Payment Gateways: Use The Best to Increase Sales

  The internet is a dangerous place for personal information, and when you look at ecommerce sales it shows.   A recent survey indicated that nearly 32% of purchases are abandoned due to customers being uncomfortable with the site, and an even higher amount (41%) are lost because the checkout process is too long.  However, if you use a website builder like WordPress to manage your content, you can utilize the convenience
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Spam is Gross: Control Your Comments in WordPress

Having a popular blog can often be a mixed blessing.  On the one hand, you’re fortunate enough to have hundreds, maybe thousands of readers that hang on your every word.  On the other hand, you are a prime target for exploitive and damaging web techniques such as comment spam.  Luckily, there are plenty of ways for a website builder to deal with and prevent the spam that all WordPress blogs
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Hacked! Is Your WordPress Blog Vulnerable to Attack?

In September of 2009, many users of the website builder WordPress pulled up their blogs to find a horrible sight:  it wasn’t there.  Due to vulnerabilities in WordPress, their blogs had been hacked, dismantled, and in some cases permanently damaged.  Imagine losing all of your data.  Your layout and theme.  Your advertisements.  And, worst of all, your revenue for the period of time it takes you to get everything working
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