WordPress Training: Using Quick Edit and Bulk Edit to manage your posts in half the time
If you decide you’d like to change the titles, tags, categories, or other details of a post or whole bunch of posts at once, head to the Posts menu and select “Edit”. To jump right into the full post editor, click Edit next to a posts name. If you’re just interested in changing the publish status, title, slug, date, author, password protection, categories, tags, publish and sticky status or whether you’ll allow comments or pings or not click Quick Edit next to any post and you can do so right there from the main view.
On the other hand, if you’d like to change these details for more than one post at a time, that’s also possible. Check the posts you want to mass-edit. Go to the Actions drop-down menu up top select “Edit” and then click “Apply”. Now you can change categories, add tags, change the author, comments, publish status, pings and sticky settings for all of the posts selected all at once, which can be a real time saver.
If you change your mind about some of the posts added to the list click X next to its name and it will be removed from the bulk edit you’re doing. Finally, choose either to save your changes or cancel if you change your mind, and you’re done. And together with Quick Edit should hopefully speed up your blog management in general.