WordPress Training: Publishing your post at a later date

Sometimes you might want to write a post and have it all set up to post in, say, a week or a month’s time, rather than right away. The good news is that you can do that without having to come back and publish it manually, later on.

So, from the main writing view, once you’re ready, just click here on edit next to the part of the publish panel says “Publish Immediately”. Now dial in the month, Tap in the date, year and time that you’d like the post to go live, and click “OK”. Remember, unless your time zone is UTC you’ll probably want to change that in your settings General menu. Now hit publish, and don’t worry the post won’t be seen until the date you’ve told WordPress to publish it.

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About the Author

Andy Johnson

Andy Johnson has been on the Internet since the its dawn(ie his first computer program was recorded on cassette tape) and his first hard drive cost about as much his current MacBook. His first byline was in 1993 for a local newspaper rag he eventually helmed, and his last “real job” was at a computer start up which ended when it ended. Throughout it all he’s freelanced and blogged. Now he is mesmerized by Search Engine Optimization forever trying to “rise to the top” for the right reasons. He’s been married to his wife Julia for as long as he can remember and has two lovely, wonderful children. He looks forward to sharing the latest in the technical best for all the online entrepreneurs.