WordPress Training: Getting a post out quickly with QuickPress
Sometimes you’re brimming of inspiration and you don’t care about the trimmings and extras . you just want to get a post that fast or capture a fleeting thought as a draft. Say hello to quickpress. Quickpress is an optional dashboard component that lets you quickly bash out a title, insert media, write a few lines or a few hundred and throw in some tags to spice things up. So let’s say I have a photo video to publish. I click on the add image icon, upload, write a quick line or two, throw in a couple of tags, and either save as a draft or just whack it out there with the publish button.
So what doesn’t do? It doesn’t do feature publishing, version revisions, excerpts, categories, trackbacks, and all that jazz. But in the heat of the moment – ah, who needs them? So next time you want to quickly capture an idea from your dashboard and turn it into a post later or have a few lines to quote or video or a podcast you want to get as quicly as possible – turn into Quickpress and get it done in a fraction of a time.