WordPress Training: Adding users to your self-hosted wordpress blog
If you want more people to blog on your self hosted wordpress blog, you can add a separate account for each of them. And with the role manager plugin, you can manage what each type of user can do.
You need to go to the user menu and select add user. Then you need to enter in the information required – for the username, first name, your email address, a website’s address (it’s not required and you can post it in later), a password, and insider role. There are 5 different options really. Subscriber; this creates an account only to see blogs and email updates if you have a plugin for that. An administrator; they have complete control of the whole blog. An editor; they can edit each other’s posts and change some other options too. An author can publish their own posts. That’s really it. And a contributor can only write posts but you have to get an editor or an administrator to moderate them.
I’m gonna select author as user. You’ll have to conform a link in an email that will get to your specified address. Now, in a role manager plugin, you get all the options of what they are allowed to do. For instance, to be able to moderate each other’s posts. So authors can be able to do things what editors can do. It’s a really good plugin and is available if you just google “role manager”. You can download it http://redalt.com/Resources/Plugins/Role+Manager and I’ll make sure that it goes in to the sidebar from where you watched the video wordpresstv. Thank you