WordPress Training: Adding a new link to your sidebar

If you like to give you a blog visitors some pointers to other websites or blogs they might like to check out, head to the links menu. In lots of themes you can place your list of links so several of them in the sidebar of your blog.

Say for instances you’d like to give some pointers to your favorite blogs so want to send people to your other web destinations your photos on flicker or your videos on Vimeo for instance adding a list to your sidebar things whichever post your readers come to read the links will always be visible. Head over to the links menu and select add new. Up on the top you got the name the public users are going to see so let’s say I’m linking to my flicker photos stream I might write my photos or my flicker stream here. Next stop tap in the address of wherever is that your sending your readers. In this case I copy paste with my flickers stream address. Then optionally you can add the description. This generally appears in a little box when someone hovers over the name link you’d set up. So here I am writing check out more of my photos.

Categories work a lot likely do with post helping you to organize your link. You might setup a link category for my other stuff to point to your other social media accounts so make one for friend’s blogs whichever suits your needs. Target lets you decide whether clicking on a link will open a new window in your reader’s browser or a place what’s already there in the current window. You can optionally add some information about your relationship to the person being link to. Assuming it’s someone else using XFN. This will allow people or other applications to learn more about your relationship. Just check the boxes and the REL field will be automatically field out for you. Further to that, you can also make use of the advance option to add the URL of an appropriate image, RSS feed for the source, notes or even you’re rating to the content of the link.

Bear in mind that everything below the categories pane is optional. It can be useful if you have the time. Once you’d done you update link and your link is saved. In the next video we take a look at how to make them display on your blog.

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About the Author

Andy Johnson

Andy Johnson has been on the Internet since the its dawn(ie his first computer program was recorded on cassette tape) and his first hard drive cost about as much his current MacBook. His first byline was in 1993 for a local newspaper rag he eventually helmed, and his last “real job” was at a computer start up which ended when it ended. Throughout it all he’s freelanced and blogged. Now he is mesmerized by Search Engine Optimization forever trying to “rise to the top” for the right reasons. He’s been married to his wife Julia for as long as he can remember and has two lovely, wonderful children. He looks forward to sharing the latest in the technical best for all the online entrepreneurs.