Growing Traffic To My WordPress Website With Twitter

In December 2009, Twitter recorded nearly 20 million visitors, a growth in traffic of 900% on 2008.  That’s over 10% of all internet users following the website, with up to 10,000 people joining every day to take part in the constant stream of communication.  Imagine if you could tap into some of this regular traffic and bring them to your blog or website.  You could increase your traffic dramatically and more
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5 Reasons Your Blog Could be Losing Traffic and What To Do About it!

If you have managed to create a website with good levels of growing traffic, it can be disheartening when the number of visitors starts to decline.  It’s important not to panic or end up feeling low.  Many bloggers have periods when their traffic plateaus or starts to decline.  The important thing is to recognize it’s happening and take action to get your traffic back on track. Here are five of the
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5 Secrets to Using Linkedin to Boost Quality Blog Traffic

Professional bloggers will tell you that blog success depends on much more than driving high numbers of visitors to your site.  In fact, it’s even more important to generate quality traffic, people who are actually interested in your content and are more likely to buy from you, click on your ads or sign up for your service.  Plus they’re more likely to subscribe, comment and keep coming back to see
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