SEO Tip #130: Which Websites Are Popular Among Googlers?

SEO Tip #130: Which Websites Are Popular Among Googlers?

Matt Cutts: You know Googlers tend to be a little tech savvy and a little bit towards the bleeding edge so I remember there were two different people at Google saying, “You need to check out this site called Digg. It’s really cool. I Dugg some articles.” It was a long, long time ago and I was wandering what this Digg thing they were talking about was. So Googlers tend
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SEO Tip #73: Which Chrome Extensions Are Popular at Google?

SEO Tip #73: Which Chrome Extensions Are Popular at Google?

Matt Cutts: Oh my goodness this is such a good question! I feel bad because I have just installed a new version of Ubuntu and I completely reinstalled and I wiped away all my Chrome extensions. Otherwise, I’d give you this big long list. So, I’ll just name a few off the top of my head and then I’ll give you a tip to find some good Chrome extensions for
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