Google SEO Tip #4 – Does PageRank Take Into Account Cross-Browser Compatibility?

Google SEO Tip #4 – Does PageRank Take Into Account Cross-Browser Compatibility?

Matt Cutts: The answer is no. I mentioned this in another video but let me just reiterate; PageRank is based on the number of people who link to you and how reputable they are, the links that come to your site. It is completely independent of the content of your site.

So, PageRank doesn’t take into account cross-browser compatibility because it doesn’t take into account the content

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Google SEO Tip#2: Is PageRank Calculated Differently for Domains Registered Before 2004?

Google SEO Tip#2: Is PageRank Calculated Differently for Domains Registered Before 2004?

Matt Cutts: That is completely false. There is absolutely no difference between 2004 domains, 2005 domains, 2006 domains; they all acquire reputation in the same way.

There is literally no value to getting a pre-2004 domain or pre-Google IPO domain or whatever conspiracy theory you want to spew out. Please we have enough crazy SEO theories going on without new ones.

So no there’s no difference

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