7 Secrets to Promoting Your Social Media Profiles

Spreading the word about your website through social media such as Facebook and Twitter is one of the most important steps on the journey to becoming a highly successful blogger.  Yet using social media is about much more than just promoting your web pages and latest posts.  If you can actually get people to read your social media profile pages, this gives you a direct sales pitch guaranteed to capture
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10 Must Have Plug Ins for a Photographer Website

If you’re planning on selling photos online, publicizing your portfolio or promoting your photography business, you need to create a website that showcases your images and skill with a camera.  There are hundreds of photographer websites out there, so what’s going to make yours stand out from the crowd and bring in business? The answer is the effective use of image plug ins, small pieces of software you can add to
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5 Restaurant Plug Ins to Take Reservations and Orders Online

We live in a world where consumers want everything faster, easier and at the push of a button.  Food is no exception and the survival of your restaurant depends on having a good online presence where potential customers can see your food, check out your latest offers, make a reservation and even order their food before they walk through your doors.  Restaurant websites tend to have really high conversion rates, with
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How to Monetize Your RSS Feeds

RSS feeds are much more than just a brilliant way to publicize your website and spread the word about your great content.  You can also monetize your RSS feeds and use them to directly target your regular blog followers with ad text and affiliate marketing information. Consumers are increasingly reading website content without actually visiting publisher’s websites, using feed readers, widgets and personal start pages.  The downside is that when people
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How to Monetize Your Blog Without Using Advertising

Although Adsense is one of the most effective monetization strategies for many blog owners, there are countless other income streams which don’t involve the use of advertising at all.  When you create a website, it’s important to explore a number of different income avenues and see which works best for you.  We’ve put together 3 of the most effective strategies for making money from your blog without the use of advertising: 1.  
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5 Reasons Your Blog Could be Losing Traffic and What To Do About it!

If you have managed to create a website with good levels of growing traffic, it can be disheartening when the number of visitors starts to decline.  It’s important not to panic or end up feeling low.  Many bloggers have periods when their traffic plateaus or starts to decline.  The important thing is to recognize it’s happening and take action to get your traffic back on track. Here are five of the
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How to Translate Your WordPress Blog and Explode Traffic Levels Overnight

Creating a global audience can dramatically enhance your blog traffic and spread the word about your content like a viral campaign.  Yet in order to go global, your blog needs to be translated into multiple languages.  The problem is that professional translation services are expensive and can be very slow.  Machines such as Google Translator or Language Weaver often misunderstand, mix things up and generally make content pretty difficult to
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