How to Set Your PermaLink Options on WordPress

Hi, guys! Welcome to Today’s tutorial is about permalinks and how you manage them. Now, each post has a different URL called a permalink. So, this is the permanent URL or permanent link for that specific blog link or page. Usually, WordPress automatically creates this permalink for you, once you have published that post. However, you
can also change it for your permalink to look more for your needs and how you prefer it to look. So, first I’m going to show you what a permalink looks likeby default, and then I’m going to show you how to manage them.

What I’m going to do first is bring you to the edit post page. The reason why is why it is an edit post and not an add new is like I mentioned, in order for a permalink to be created, the post has to be published. So, this is an already published post that I created. Right here you will see
the permalink it has been given by WordPress. You’ll see it has the domain name. Sometimes it has a symbol, most of the time it has a symbol or a question mark or dash. Then, it will always have p= a number. P= stands for post, and this number 177 stands for the ID that this post was given. This number will always change for each post.

Now, this isn’t the most attractive permalink, so if I want to go ahead and change it, I want to go to my permalinks setting page. So, I can do that by either clicking change permalinks, or I can come down to settings on my navigation menu and scroll down to where it says permalinks.
Either link will bring me to this page, the permalinks settings page.

So, here I have a few options to choose from. By default, which is already checked right here, it will automatically be chosen by WordPress, which if you see this link, it looks pretty much the same as I just showed you, except the number is different. But, I can also make my permalink look a little more prettier and a little more organized by choosing day and name. So, here it will show you the domain name, the year, the month, the date, and then title of the post.

Down here, whenever I click one of these, it will just give you some sort of code. This will automatically save for you. You don’t need to touch anything here. That’s just the specific code for the common settings that you choose, however, it’s not going to look like this. So don’t be scared about that.

Next, I can also have it look like a month and name. Here it will show you the domain name, the year and the month, however not the date,
and the post title. Lastly, you have the option to make it numeric which means it will just add a numerical value to the end of the permalink.

Then, lastly, you can chose to customize your permalink. This is going to be spoken about in a future video along with these customized structures for permalinks as well. Once you’re done choosing any of these, you always save you changes.

This is our video on permalink settings. Thank you for watching.

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About the Author

Andy Johnson

Andy Johnson has been on the Internet since the its dawn(ie his first computer program was recorded on cassette tape) and his first hard drive cost about as much his current MacBook. His first byline was in 1993 for a local newspaper rag he eventually helmed, and his last “real job” was at a computer start up which ended when it ended. Throughout it all he’s freelanced and blogged. Now he is mesmerized by Search Engine Optimization forever trying to “rise to the top” for the right reasons. He’s been married to his wife Julia for as long as he can remember and has two lovely, wonderful children. He looks forward to sharing the latest in the technical best for all the online entrepreneurs.