How to set up a front page in wordpress

Hi! Welcome to Today, I’m just going to show you a short video on how to set up your front page. Your front page is the front page of your website. It’s the first page that all your visitors are going to look when they log into your blog site.

So, now the first thing that you’re going to do is come over to the navigation menu and click the reading link under settings. It’s going to bring you to the Reading Settings page. As you can see this is really short and very simple, so it’s not going to take you too long. The first thing you’re going to do is decide which you want your front page to display.

Your first option is you can have it display all of your latest posts by clicking that circle, or you can have it show a particular static page that you have created. If you do choose to have your static page as your front page, there are two options here. One, you choose which static page you want as your front page. So, you would open up the dropdown menu and choose accordingly. The next, you open up the dropdown menu to choose which page you want your posts on. So, that’s what you would right there.

Next, you have how many blog posts that you want shown on one particular page. I just wrote 10, but you can have 15, 20. You can have as little as 5. The number is up to you.

Then underneath that you choose how many items you want shown in your RSS feed. So, once again that number can change as well. If you choose, for example, to have 10 items in your feed, you may want all of them to be in full text or just in a summary. So here is where you choose whether you want the posts in your RSS feed to be in full text or just a summary.

Then lastly before you go ahead and save the changes, here you have your character encoding text box. Character encoding is what handles the storage and transmissions of the text from your blog through the internet connection. There are other encodings that you can type in, but this is set here by default. This is pretty much your safest way because not only does it support a wide range of languages, but it is also the most commonly accepted one. So, if it’s set by default, you can just keep it that way as it.

Once you’re completely done with filling out all of the above, you’re going to go ahead and click save changes, and your blog will be updated to the changes that you have just made.

That is how you set up your front page. Thank you.


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About the Author

Andy Johnson

Andy Johnson has been on the Internet since the its dawn(ie his first computer program was recorded on cassette tape) and his first hard drive cost about as much his current MacBook. His first byline was in 1993 for a local newspaper rag he eventually helmed, and his last “real job” was at a computer start up which ended when it ended. Throughout it all he’s freelanced and blogged. Now he is mesmerized by Search Engine Optimization forever trying to “rise to the top” for the right reasons. He’s been married to his wife Julia for as long as he can remember and has two lovely, wonderful children. He looks forward to sharing the latest in the technical best for all the online entrepreneurs.