5 Mobile Themes for your wordpress blog or website

Hi, everyone.  Welcome to BuildMySiteForFree.com.  In today’s tutorial, I’m going to walk you through five mobile themes for your WordPress blog or website.

Now if you have or are making your own website using WordPress, you want to make sure that your viewers can access your blog with their mobile phone and you want to make sure that it’s mobile compatible.   Lots of times, at least for me – and I think I speak for most people – when you’re on the Internet on your phone, lots of times websites either don’t come up because they’re not mobile compatible or if you are on it, the effects or themes just don’t really look right as if they would if you were on your computer.

So these five mobile themes I’m going to show you, I think, are really good for displaying visual effects and just great mobile compatible themes as well.

So first, what I wanted to bring you to is BuildMySiteForFree.com, and there’s a specific URL that I will put up on this screen for this page of mobile themes.  And as you can see, there are five free themes you can download.  You could really pretty much investigate any of them and see if it works for you, but the first two on my list that I think are really great to use would be this one, Carrington Mobile WordPress
Theme.  It’s very mobile-friendly, and it supports the basic mobile browsers, as well as advanced and touchscreen
browsers as well.  So this, I would say, is the first one the list for mobile-compatible themes.

The second one would be Smooci 2.  This is another theme that is also very compatible with many different devices. You don’t have to worry too much that it’s only compatible for one because both of these are compatible for many.

The next theme that I suggest for mobile plugins – for mobile themes, rather – is to come to WordPress.org and search for WordPress Mobile ack.  Now what’s great about this theme is it’s a complete mobile toolkit.  There are plenty of themes to choose from, and you can select themes depending on the mobile user or device.

And if you come to this theme page, you can find a ton of information on this theme.  As I scroll down, you will see there are all features that this theme includes.  So it’s a really, really great them, I think, to have, and you can download it right from here and upload it to your WordPress blog or site.

The fourth theme that I suggest is also at WordPress.org, and you can type in WPtouch.  And this is iPhone theme and plugin all-in-one, and what it does is it automatically transfers your blog into an iPhone theme.  So if you do have a lot of followers or even friends that are constantly on your blog and they are doing it usually from their iPhone, this would be a great theme to download.  And just like the last one, you can search tons of information and features on this page that this WPtouch theme has.

And the fifth and final mobile theme that I suggest for your WordPress blog or website is also in the WordPress.org plugin directory.  It’s
Wapple Architect Mobile Plugin for WordPress, and what great about this is lots of times, like I said at the beginning of the video, you may be worried that mobile users will lose the visual effects of your site on their phone.

This plugin completely changes that.  It’s fully compatible with WordPress MU.  It’s a great, great plugin to have.  You can, like I said for all of
them, you can search all the information and features that this plugin has to offer.

And now that I’ve showed you the five plugins, I want to explain how you can download them.  You want to always make sure you download any plugins or themes as a zip file.  Now I’m using a Mac computer, so what you want to do from a Mac computer is double-click where it says “Download.” Scroll down where it says “Download link file as…”  You want to make sure it saves as a zip file,  should come up.

You would click save, and then ou would simply come to your dashboard, go to where it says, “Appearance,” and hen “Themes” or “Plugins,” depending on whether you’re using a plugin or a heme.  And then when you get to the hemes page, you would just simply click upload under “Install Themes” section.  Choose the file and install now.  Once you’ve done so, you will now have these reat mobile themes and plugins.

This video has been brought to ou by BuildMySiteForFree.com.  Thank you or watching.

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About the Author

Andy Johnson

Andy Johnson has been on the Internet since the its dawn(ie his first computer program was recorded on cassette tape) and his first hard drive cost about as much his current MacBook. His first byline was in 1993 for a local newspaper rag he eventually helmed, and his last “real job” was at a computer start up which ended when it ended. Throughout it all he’s freelanced and blogged. Now he is mesmerized by Search Engine Optimization forever trying to “rise to the top” for the right reasons. He’s been married to his wife Julia for as long as he can remember and has two lovely, wonderful children. He looks forward to sharing the latest in the technical best for all the online entrepreneurs.