Become a Power Website Builder: 5 SEO Tips from the World’s Most Successful Bloggers

Many of the world’s leading entrepreneurs begin their business journey by learning from the best in their field and finding a brilliant mentor.  Blogging is no exception and if you want to become a power website builder with a blog that’s achieving top search engine ranking, it’s best to seek advice and experience from the world’s most successful bloggers.

In this article, we share with you 5 SEO secrets from the greatest bloggers around.  These are the people who have truly made it as website entrepreneurs, some of them pulling in 6 figure salaries each and every year.  These are tips you can’t afford to miss out on if you’re a website builder looking for powerful ways to optimize your content for search engine success.

1.  Don’t Choose the Most Popular Keywords

You’ll have much more search engine success if you don’t opt for the most popular keyword phrases.  For example, words such as “travel” and “mobile phones” are some of the most common search terms on the internet and you’ll struggle to have any kind of success with these.  Yet if you transform them into keyword phrases that have just a moderate amount of traffic, you should be able to make your mark on the search engine rankings.

The best thing to do is use a keyword research tool, such as Google’s free adwords checker, which shows you the number of searches globally and locally.  Use it to create a list of keywords and phrases, which you can then pick to write your regular posts, targeting those with under around 10,000 searches per month.

Here’s an example.  Travel has 151 million searches per month worldwide. Yet if you choose “sustainable travel” there are only 9900 searches per month globally, which is sufficient traffic but not too much to make it difficult to have any kind of success.

Experienced bloggers will remind you that quantity of traffic is far less important than quality traffic when it comes to making high income.  Moderate keyword phrases often perform better and are usually more lucrative in terms of advertising and sales.

2.  Make Your Website Search Engine Spider Friendly

You need to ensure the search engine spiders can access as much of your content as quickly and easily as possible.  The best way to do this is using a sitemap that links to every single page of your website content.  One of the most popular with WordPress power website builders is the Google XML Sitemaps plug in, which you can download for free from our resources page.

It’s so easy to set up and compatible with a variety of search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Bing and  The other great thing about this plug in is that it notifies all the major search engines everytime you post new content.

3.  Always add Keywords To Your URL and Title Tag

A key factor for search engines is whether the keyword appears in your website’s main URL.  Before you buy your domain name it’s vital you do your keyword research and decide which keywords are right for your website.  For example, if you search in Google for “Ford car” you’ll see the majority of the results on page one have Ford in the site’s main URL.  To help you choose your domain name, use our domain name checker tool.

4.  Power Website Builders Master Long Tail Traffic

Long tail traffic is the term used to describe website visitors who arrive at your site using keyword phrases of at least 4 words long.  It’s estimated this kind of traffic makes up to 75% of total website traffic and tends to have the highest conversion rate.

When you’re compiling your keyword list, focus on long tail keywords, which tend to be less likely targets for larger corporations and more accessible for bloggers looking for maximum search engine success.

5.  Optimize Your Title Tags

Professional bloggers claim this is the most important on-page SEO tactic you can employ.  The title tag is often the same as the headline of the post and is displayed in the browser on the top left hand corner of the page.  If you’re using WordPress you can simply optimize your title tags using the All in One SEO Pack plug in.  Various WordPress themes also automatically optimize title tags.

Each page should have its own title tag optimized for the keyword phrase, placed at the beginning of the title rather than the end.

If you’re new to blogging, the All in One SEO Pack is an essential plug in recommended by experienced website builders for its powerful and automatic SEO functions.  You can download it from our resources page now.

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About the Author

Melanie Citron

Melanie Citron is a freelance writer and self proclaimed “techie” who lives in Denver with her husband, Glenn, and their three dogs Ralph, Sam and Billy. Melanie has become the “go to person” for creating online businesses for her friends and family. “I do it every day so I may as well write about it” Her knowledge has appeared on websites, in local newspapers and in person as a public speaker. In her spare time Melanie loves the outdoors and hikes and cross country skis.